26.04.2024. Workshop on Karl Marx and the Actualization of Philosophy, Universität Leipzig.

23.02.2024. Can There Be a Social History of Modal Logic? San José State University (online).

24.01.2024. Approaching the Social History of Analytic Philosophy. Università di Torino.

24.11.2023. Anthropology and the Critique of Idealism in Feuerbach and Marx. Universität Heidelberg.

28.06.2023. Hegel, Marx, and the Actualization of Philosophy. ‘Futures of Marx’ conference, Universität Potsdam (YouTube recording here).

28.04.2023. Canonization and Its Discontents. ‘Questioning “Western Philosophy”’ conference, University of Oxford.

02.02.2023. Karl Marx and the Actualization of Philosophy. University of St Andrews.

07.11.2022. Neo-Kantianism, Revisionism, and Austro-Marxism. Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University.

14.09.2022. Human and Nature in Marx’s Paris Manuscripts. University of Cape Town (online).

15.07.2022. The Actualization of Philosophy. ‘Beyond Idealism’ conference, University of Sheffield.

25.06.2022. Luxemburg’s Critique of Bourgeois Ethics. University of Vienna.

13.05.2022. Marx’s Critique of Hegel. Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.

21.04.2022. Analytic Philosophy and ‘Western’ Philosophy. British Society for the History of Philosophy conference, Edinburgh.

22.11.2021. Marx’s Critique of Hegel’s Theory of the State. Hegel Society of Great Britain conference (online; YouTube recording here).